Case Study: Google Ads eCommerce Campaign using Ai For Data Driven Analysis

Google Ads eCommerce Case Study – a case study using ai to help interpret the data

Table of contents:

Objectives for the Ecommerce Google Ads Campaign

The primary objective of the Google Ads campaign(s) were/are to increase sales for a gifting company.

The campaign aimed to make the audience feel that the products are high-end, thoughtful gifts, leading them to purchase these curated gift boxes and come back time and time again

Outcome: This business owner quit their full time day job to pursue her love of designing gift boxes full time a few years after we started working together.

Our next goal is to increase sales and conversions all year around. We want to increase her corporate gifting, wedding gifting and more.

Strategy: our initial strategy focused on match types and keeping campaigns seporate next strategy will be to reorganize the account with a fine toothed comb and for specific sales days/times, while optimize existing account


  • Campaign Types: Search and Performance Max campaigns
  • Target Keywords: Gift…, gift …, luxury…, …gifts, (we’d share all those fine details but then would it be fair?)

Target Market/Audience

The target market comprises individuals and businesses looking to purchase high-end, thoughtful gifts. These are people who value quality and are willing to spend more for premium products. The demographics include:

  • Age: 25-55 years
  • Gender: All
  • Location: Primarily targeting Vancouver Island, Vancouver, and the lower mainland
  • Interests: Luxury goods, gourmet foods, home decor
  • Behaviour: Frequent gift purchasers, corporate buyers, last-minute shoppers

Tone of Communication

The communication tone is elegant, sophisticated, and trustworthy, emphasizing the luxury and thoughtfulness of the gift boxes.

Branding Requirements

  • Consistent use of the brand name
  • Highlight local artisans and local specialty businesses and natural products
  • Emphasize ease of shopping and meaningful impressions

Key Messaging

“Simply beautiful, luxury curated gift boxes featuring artisan foods, home goods, and local specialties.”

Executional Requirements

  • Theme: Luxury and thoughtfulness in gifting
  • Slogan: “Curated for you, delivered with care”

Campaign & Strategy Performance Overview

The campaigns focused on various keyword match types and product groups. The performance highlights are as follows:

  1. Search Campaign 1 – Phrase Match
    • Conversions: 349.34 (all time, so far)
    • Insights: This campaign had the highest spend but also the highest number of conversions, indicating strong interest and effective targeting for gift baskets.
  2. PMax
    • Conversions: 329.34 (all time, so far)
    • Insights: Performance Max campaigns provided broad reach and significant conversions, making it a cost-effective option for promoting all products.
  3. Search Campaign 3 – Exact Match
    • Conversions: 143.10 (all time, so far)
    • Insights: Exact match campaigns were effective in reaching users with high purchase intent, as evidenced by the strong conversion rate.
  4. Search Campaign 4 – Broad Match
    • Conversions: 73.38 (all time, so far)
    • Insights: Broad match campaigns captured a wider audience but had a lower conversion rate, suggesting the need for further optimization.

Using Ai, a thorough examination of campaign performance, keyword analysis, ad copy performance, audience insights, and actionable recommendations were given to a customized chatgpt to help create a new strategic plan.

Our story is the human touch and implementation and ai analysis and human implementation.

Our Story

We got our KnowHow Marketing Assistant chatGPT to Analyze our account to give us some next steps. Which we

Optimization Plan & Next Step Recommendations

Data Overview

Inspect the Data Structure: Ensure you understand the columns available in the CSV file, such as Campaign Name, Ad Group, Impressions, Clicks, Cost, Conversions, Revenue, etc.

Key Metrics Calculation

Calculate essential metrics for performance analysis:

Performance Analysis

Campaign Level: Analyze performance at the campaign level to identify top-performing and underperforming campaigns.

Ad Group Level: Drill down into ad groups within each campaign to identify areas of improvement.

Keyword Level: Analyze individual keyword performance to identify high-converting keywords and those needing adjustment.

We will continue with the detailed steps and recommendations based on the structure and processes outlined.

Audience Insights


Analyze performance by age, gender, and location to tailor ads to the most responsive segments. Adjust bid modifiers based on demographic performance.

Device Performance

Compare performance across devices (desktop, mobile, tablet) and optimize bids accordingly.

Search Terms Report

Next Strategy & Action Plan

Identify new ad groups by grouping search terms with similar themes.

Everything detailed below will be built out in the next 3 to 6 months to build up the clients base

Retargeting Strategy

Audience Targeting & Retargeting

  • Demographic Adjustments: Fine-tune demographic targeting based on performance data to better reach high-value customers.
  • Remarketing: Implement remarketing campaigns to target previous visitors and customers.

Audience Segmentation

Segment Your Audience: Create different retargeting lists based on user behavior and interactions with your website. For example:

  • Cart Abandoners: Target users who added items to their cart but didn’t complete the purchase.
  • Product Viewers: Retarget users who viewed specific products or product categories.
  • Previous Purchasers: Create segments for users who have made purchases before and target them with complementary products or special offers.

Dynamic Retargeting

[ Image of Retargeting – Good luck 😉 ]

Utilize Dynamic Ads: Dynamic retargeting ads automatically show the products that users have viewed on your website. This personalized approach can significantly increase conversion rates.

Audience Segmentation

  • Focus on High-Performing Keywords: Allocate more budget to high-performing keywords and exact match types.
  • Optimize Underperforming Keywords: Review and adjust bids or pause underperforming keywords.

Create retargeting lists based on user behaviour (e.g., site visitors, cart abandoners, previous purchasers). Implement dynamic retargeting to show personalized ads.

Implement Retargeting

  • Create Retargeting Lists: Set up retargeting lists for cart abandoners, product viewers, and past purchasers.
  • Use Dynamic Ads: Implement dynamic ads to show personalized product recommendations.
  • Create New Ad Groups: Based on the top-performing search terms, create new ad groups with relevant ad copy and keywords.

Use Lookalike Audiences

[ Add images of person facing themselves – ]

Expand Reach with Lookalikes: Create lookalike audiences based on your retargeting lists to find new potential customers who have similar characteristics to your existing customers.

  • Ensure Accurate Tracking: Regularly audit conversion tracking to ensure all valuable actions are being tracked.
  • Detailed Reporting: Create detailed reports to monitor performance and make data-driven decisions.

Multi-Channel Retargeting – Will make this recommendation to the client

Expand Beyond Google Ads: Utilize other platforms for retargeting to reach your audience across different channels:

  • Social Media: Use Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for retargeting ads.
  • Email Marketing: Send personalized emails to users who have interacted with your site but haven’t converted.
  • Display Networks: Use display networks to show retargeting ads on various websites that your audience visits.

Optimize Ad Copy

Custom Creative and Messaging for retargeting

Tailored Ad Copy: Customize your ad copy to address specific segments. For example:

  • Cart Abandoners: “Don’t miss out! Complete your purchase now and enjoy free shipping.”
  • Product Viewers: “Still thinking about [Product]? Order now and get 10% off!”
  • Previous Purchasers: “Thank you for your purchase! Check out our new arrivals and get a special discount.”
  • Test New Variations: Continuously test new ad copy variations to improve CTR and conversion rates. Highlight unique selling points such as local artisans and special products.

Ad Copy and Creative Testing

  • A/B Testing: Continuously run A/B tests on ad copy and creatives to determine what resonates best with the audience.
  • Refine Messaging: Highlight unique selling points such as local artisans and specialty products.

Offer Incentives – Will make this recommendation to the client

Provide Special Offers: Use promotions, discounts, and special offers to entice users to return and complete their purchase. For example:

I am not sure if we’ll do this but this is a good option. We’re going to go after more corporte clients who what to do something different to stand apart.

  • “Get 15% off your next purchase!”
  • “Free gift wrapping on orders over $50!”

Ad Copy Monitor and Adjust

Add Image of people reviewing and adjust somethign ]

  • Set Up Regular Ad Copy Reviews: Regularly review campaign performance and make data-driven adjustments.
  • Continuous Testing: Use A/B testing to refine ad elements and improve overall performance.
  • use champion, contender, and loser strategy

Campaign Budgets & Keyword Optimizations

  • Increase Bids for High-Performing Keywords: Allocate more budget to high-performing keywords and demographics.
  • Decrease Bids for Low-Performing Keywords: Reduce or pause bids for underperforming keywords.

Allocate more budget to high-performing campaigns and keywords. Reduce spend on low-performing areas and reallocate to better-performing ones.

Section each campaign into 4 hour segments and talk to client about the best hours to turn off adsd

Ad Scheduling

Control Time of Ad: Control when the ad shows up and when it doesn’t.

Frequency Capping

Control Ad Frequency: Ensure that your retargeting ads are not shown too frequently to avoid ad fatigue. Use frequency capping to limit the number of times a user sees your ads within a specific timeframe.

Optimize Ad Timing: Analyze the times when your audience is most active and schedule your ads to appear during these peak times.

  • Increase Investment in Top Campaigns: Allocate more budget to campaigns with the highest ROI.
  • Seasonal Adjustments: Adjust budgets seasonally to capitalize on peak gifting periods.

Budget Allocation

Conversion Tracking and Reporting

Continuous Optimization

Regular Monitoring

Set up regular performance reviews (weekly/monthly) to adjust strategies as needed. Use A/B testing for continuous improvement of ad copy and landing pages.

Analyze and Optimize

To achieve better results with a retargeting campaign for Field and Vine Gift Co., consider implementing the following strategies:

Regular Performance Analysis: Continuously monitor the performance of your retargeting campaigns and make data-driven adjustments. Key metrics to watch include:

  • Conversion Rate
  • Cost Per Conversion
  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR)

[ Make an image that says Implementation steps in Brand colours or… ]

Implementation Steps:

  1. Setup Audience Segments: In your Google Ads account, create detailed audience segments based on user behaviour.
  2. Create Dynamic Ads: Set up dynamic retargeting ads using Google Ads’ dynamic remarketing feature.
  3. Customize Ad Creatives: Design and write tailored ad copies for each segment.
  4. Configure Frequency Capping: Set frequency caps in your Google Ads settings.
  5. Schedule Ads: Use the ad scheduling feature to optimize ad timings.
  6. Incorporate Incentives: Design promotional offers and include them in your ad creatives.
  7. Expand to Other Channels: Set up retargeting campaigns on social media platforms and email marketing systems.
  8. Exclude Converted Users: Use conversion tracking data to exclude users who have already made a purchase.
  9. Create Lookalike Audiences: Use your existing retargeting lists to create lookalike audiences.
  10. Monitor and Optimize: Regularly review campaign performance and make necessary adjustments.

By implementing these strategies, you can enhance the effectiveness of your retargeting campaigns, leading to higher conversion rates and better overall results for Field and Vine Gift Co.


The Google Ads campaigns for Field and Vine Gift Co. have effectively increased visibility and driven conversions for their luxury gift boxes. Continued optimization focusing on high-performing keywords and match types, targeted messaging, and timely CTAs will further enhance campaign performance and sales.

By following these detailed steps, you can effectively analyze and optimize the Google Ads account for Field & Vine Gift Co. to achieve better results. If you need further assistance with specific data points or more detailed recommendations, please let me know! ​​

[ Schedule a call image See ignite media .com but do in our colours and do better ;0 – and of course if you see somewhere else an image can go, do it!_ ]