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Redirecting Name Servers from GoDaddy To HostGator 2017

How To Redirect Your Name Servers

Yup, super sexy topic. So one of the first things I always have to do after I purchase a domain is to redirect the domain name servers.

“The reason for this”

you ask? Read below the video…

Well, I shop around for how much my domain will cost. GoDaddy seems to be the cheapest. I like HostGator for hosting. I’ve used them for about 3 years maybe 4. I like their options for customer service. That’s why I go with them. I am an affiliated with both of these accounts but that isn’t why I talk about them. It is because I use them. I am sure you can use other hosting and domain purchasing sites and do redirects all over the place.

So the video outlines the steps to take to redirect your name servers from GoDaddy to Hostgator. I am practicing video as well as

I am practicing video (so don’t expect this to be more than it is- Always a work in progress)

I launching a new business so this gives me a great reason to document what I do and how I do it. Plus, I can come back and see what I did from time to time, see if it is still up to date and even remind myself of how to do something that I have forgotten. And the other reason, it is sharpening my skillset.

Ya know when things should be easy because you have done them so many times before? Yeah, me too. If only that was the way of today.

Here is the down-low of what I am saying in the video above.

Why do you buy a domain & change your Nameservers?

Because you are want to host or house your files somewhere else. Say for example the best place you’ve found to buy domains is a different hosting company you use, what do you do. Well, this is what you do. You redirect those name servers.

Sounds super easy, right, well when all things go well, it is super easy.

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